Massage Therapists are in demand as massage is more accepted by health insurance, doctors, the medical profession and the alternative medical professions. Massage is no longer the luxury that most made it out to be. It is now more of a necessity. People are seeking out massage therapists to help them deal with stressful lifestyles that result in injuries, pain, health conditions and improving overall wellness.
Massage Therapy Careers can be financially as well as mentally, emotionally and spiritually rewarding. Like any other career path, it provides an opportunity for growth in all of these areas. Working with people who are in pain actually requires that a massage therapist be more inclined toward their own personal growth work as it can help enhance their own practice or jobs.
While most massage therapists start their own massage business there are more jobs opening up with the creation of many different massage franchises. Spas are probably the next biggest employer of massage therapists. Hospitals, medical clinics and alternative medicine professionals like chiropractors are also hiring more massage therapists. The opportunities are really just beginning.
With that in mind, the other side of massage therapy careers is that there are many massage therapists who are out there struggling to get by and the physical demands of the profession takes its toll on massage therapists bodies.
While there are many challenges in starting and running a business or finding a higher paying job, you can still be very successful and make the money that you dream about. The thing is to know what you are getting into before you begin so you can gear your learning towards the things you will need. You can start with reading my Ebook
"The Massage Therapy Career Guide - The truth about becoming a massage therapist."It will help you understand the massage profession and make a more informed choice about becoming a massage therapist as well as help you to choose a massage school that is best for you. Many massage therapists struggle to get by in this profession but it doesn't have to be that way especially if you start out being aware of the challenges you will face.
It is possible to make a Great living as a massage therapist and even make $50-$100,000 a year with your own business or even as an employee. Currently the number of massage therapists that do make that much are very few, mainly because of all of the mis-information that is provided before you enter massage school. What it really takes is knowing yourself and building the self confidence to make what you need.